Friday, September 6, 2024

Literary LinkedIn: Pride and Prejudice Edition

Pride and Prejudice playing cards

Literary LinkedIn:  Pride and Prejudice Edition

by Ariella Brown

Today I mused about how some of the different characters in Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice would behave on LinkedIn and jotted down these takes:

  • Mr. Collins would name drop and bore everyone with his pedantic posts.
  • Mary would be cringe incarnate and try too hard to impress people with her accomplishments.
  • Lydia would only post videos and then shift her attention to Instagram and TikTok.
  • Miss Bingley would post only canned ideas and comments and pretend to offer helpful advice when she is really putting people down.
  • Darcy would have thousands of followers hanging on his rare posts to try to win some attention from someone with a great deal of wealth and influence. He'd ignore all the invitations to connect.

This Pride and Prejudice gif captures that fairly well.  

Then I thought why not play with generative AI to see what it would come up with for some of the characters. I tasked it with creating profiles for Mr. Darcy, Mr. Wickham, and Elizabeth Bennet. I've copied all three exactly with [my notes in red]:

# Fitzwilliam Darcy
Estate Owner and Manager | Philanthropist | Gentleman of Derbyshire

## About
Experienced estate owner and manager with a strong commitment to upholding family legacy and social responsibilities. Known for astute business acumen, principled decision-making, and a reserved yet commanding presence. Skilled in estate management, social navigation, and horseback riding.    
 ## Experience 
### Owner and Master
**Pemberley Estate, Derbyshire**
*1800 - Present*

- Oversee the management of a vast estate, including tenant farms, forests, and a grand manor house
- Implement innovative agricultural practices to increase productivity and tenant welfare
- Host social events to maintain and expand influential networks
- Manage a staff of over 50 individuals, ensuring smooth operations of the estate

### Guardian
**Georgiana Darcy**
*1803 - Present*
- Responsible for the education, social development, and financial management of my younger sister
- Collaborate with extended family members to ensure her well-being and future prospects

## Education

**Cambridge University**
*Classical Studies and Estate Management*
1795 - 1799

## Skills
- Estate Management
- Financial Planning
- Social Etiquette [well, that's debatable]
- Horseback Riding
- Dancing (Assembly Balls)  
- Letter Writing

## Volunteer Experience

### Patron
**Lambton Village School**
- Provide financial support and oversee improvements to local educational facilities

### Benefactor
**Derbyshire Hospital**
- Regular donations and involvement in expanding medical services for the local community

## Recommendations

**Charles Bingley**
"Darcy is a man of impeccable character and judgment. His friendship and counsel have been invaluable in both personal and professional matters."

**Colonel Fitzwilliam**
"As co-guardian to Georgiana Darcy, I can attest to Fitzwilliam's unwavering dedication and sound decision-making. A true gentleman in every sense."

## Interests
- Literature
- Music (particularly pianoforte performances)
- Fencing
- Landscape Design  - Fine Arts         

## Languages
- English (Native)
- French
- Latin



# George Wickham
Military Officer | Charming Socialite | Adaptable Professional

## About
Charismatic and versatile professional with a background in military service and a talent for navigating diverse social circles. Adept at building relationships, quick to adapt to new environments, and always seeking opportunities for personal and professional advancement.

## Experience

### Lieutenant
**His Majesty's Army - Militia Regiment**
*1811 - Present*
- Serve as an officer in the militia, maintaining order and participating in local defense
- Engage with local communities, enhancing military-civilian relations
- Demonstrate leadership and tactical skills during training exercises

### Personal Assistant (former)
**Pemberley Estate, Derbyshire**
*1808 - 1810*
- Assisted in various estate management tasks
- Cultivated relationships with key stakeholders and local gentry
- Gained valuable insights into high society operations and estate management

### Aspiring Clergyman (abandoned)  [Wouldn't he say Ex-Church of England just like people like to say Ex-Google? ] 

**Church of England**
*1805 - 1808*
- Pursued theological studies with the intention of taking orders
- Developed public speaking and community engagement skills

## Education

**Cambridge University**
*Classical Studies*
1801 - 1805

## Skills
- Public Relations
- Networking
- Adaptability
- Persuasive Communication
- Horseback Riding
- Fencing
[-Seducing young women should be included.}

## Volunteer Experience

### Community Liaison
**Various Local Assemblies**
- Facilitate connections between military personnel and local residents
- Organize social events to boost morale and community spirit

## Recommendations

**Colonel Forster**
"Wickham has proven to be a charming addition to our regiment. His ability to lift spirits and engage with the local community is commendable."

**Mrs. Bennet**
"Such a delightful young man! Mr. Wickham's presence always brightens any social gathering. A true gentleman with impeccable manners."

## Interests
- Literature and Poetry
- Ballroom Dancing
- Card Games
- Theatre and Performances
- Travel and Adventure
-Extorting Money

## Languages
- English (Native)
- French (Conversational).

So we have the hero and anti-hero of the novel. I then asked for the heroine, and found it quite interesting that Claude put in this little introductory note before generating it: 

Certainly, I'd be happy to create a LinkedIn profile for Elizabeth Bennet from "Pride and Prejudice." This will be an interesting exercise in translating her 19th-century accomplishments and characteristics into a modern professional format.

# Elizabeth Bennet
Accomplished Gentlewoman | Avid Reader | Critical Thinker

## About
Intelligent and vivacious young woman with a keen eye for social dynamics and human nature. Known for quick wit, love of learning, and ability to challenge societal norms. Excels in conversation, literary analysis, and navigating complex social situations with grace and humor.

## Experience

### Estate Manager in Training [Honestly, this description is much more of a match for Anne in Persuasion than for Elizabeth who doesn't take that much interest in the estate or  in blanacing the budget] 
**Longbourn Estate, Hertfordshire**
*1811 - Present*
- Assist in the management of family estate, including household operations and tenant relations
- Develop skills in budgeting, resource allocation, and social event planning
- Advocate for more efficient and equitable estate practices

### Tutor and Mentor
**Bennet Family**
*1808 - Present*
- Provide guidance and educational support to younger siblings [with dubious success, as revealed by Lydia's behavior] 
- Foster a love for literature and critical thinking among family members
- Encourage the pursuit of personal growth and intellectual development [mostly in her conversations with her father, with the rest of the family, not so much]

## Education

**Home Education**
*Comprehensive studies in Literature, History, Music, and Modern Languages*
1800 - Present

## Skills
- Critical Thinking
- Public Speaking
- Literary Analysis
- Piano Performance
- French Language
- Walking and Nature Observation
- Social Etiquette
- Needlework

## Volunteer Experience

### Community Engagement Coordinator
**Meryton Assembly Halls**
- Organize and participate in local charitable events
- Foster community spirit through social gatherings and dances

### Literacy Advocate [This is rather a bit of a stretch. She doesn't come across as particularly concerned about the tenants of Longbourn, though she would probably have to take on more such responsibilities as the mistress of Pemberley.]
**Longbourn Village**
- Promote reading and education among tenants' children
- Provide informal tutoring in reading and writing

## Recommendations

**Charlotte Lucas**
"Elizabeth's quick wit and insightful nature make her an invaluable friend and a formidable conversationalist. Her ability to see beyond social pretenses is truly remarkable."

**Jane Bennet**
"My sister Elizabeth possesses a rare combination of intelligence, empathy, and determination. Her support and guidance have been instrumental in my own personal growth."

## Interests
- Classic and Contemporary Literature
- Philosophical Debates
- Nature Walks and Sketching
- Musical Performances
- Travel and Exploration of New Cultures                         

## Languages
- English (Native)
- French (Fluent)
- Italian (Basic)


It seems Claude is much more comfortable writing up the profiles of men whose lives more closely match the pattern of people today in terms of formal education and professional roles than with describing women whose more restricted activities do not lend themselves as well to this form of profile. 


Pride and Prejudice in Job Applications

Jane Austen: Love and Money
Love and Limerence in Jane Austen
Jane Austen at the Morgan
Three Janes, Two Governesses,
Observations on Jane Austen's Emma
Jane Austen and Autism
Jane Austen's Heroines
Pride, Prejudice and Persuasion: Obstacles to Happiness in Jane Austen's Novels
Pride and Prejudice in Job Applications
The Big Bow-wow & Bit of Ivory
Jane Austen and Capability Brown

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